Welcome to the NPDE-TCA

News and Career Opportunities
National Workshop on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications during February 19-24, 2018 at Graphic Era University, Dehradun


To Create Human Resource and  Generate Knowledge Source for Academia and Industry in the area of Differential Equations for real life problem solving.



  1. To attract young talented students to study and to pursue research in the area of Differential Equations.
  2. To create a pool of trained mathematicians to support the advancement of science and technology in general and reap its benefits for the development of society.
  3. To promote fruitful interaction between academia and industry.
  4. To provide a platform for academic interaction and collaborative research amongst mathematicians and scientists in the country.
  5. To expand and strengthen existing expertise in the area of Differential Equations at various institutions / universities in the country.